The Internationalization of Criminal Law and the Sovereignty of the State.


  • Victor Chemin Branco LIPINSKI FAE
  • Daniel Tempski FERREIRA DA COSTA


Direito Penal. Estado. Internacionalização. Soberania.


The present study aims at analyzing the new formatting of the State, through the measurement of the new configuration of the sovereignty of the political entity, due to the process of internationalization of Criminal Law, originating from the globalization of the postmodern world. Once this expedient has been carried out, it will analyze the correlation between the changes caused to the normative and jurisdictional activities inherent to the exercise of sovereignty, due to the gradual process of Criminal Law’s internationalization, from a globalized world. Finally, the new organization of the State will be identified, due to the affectation caused to one of its elements of composition, the sovereignty.


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How to Cite

LIPINSKI, V. C. B., & FERREIRA DA COSTA, D. T. (2019). The Internationalization of Criminal Law and the Sovereignty of the State. Revista De Direito Da FAE, 1(1), 145–174. Retrieved from