Fiscal Wars Within the State of Paraná in View of the "ICMS" Exemption


  • Gabriel Moroski KLAMAS FAE Centro universitário
  • Maria Angelica Salustiano e SILVA FAE Centro universitário
  • Thaïs Andrade SAVEDRA


Fiscal War. Tax Incentives. ICMS. Regulation of Goods.


The present work has as its core the so-called fiscal wars, specifically within the state of Paraná, as well as the Tax exemptions on Circulation of Goods and Services (Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços - ICMS) as the main incentive given to companies to change their tax domicile. The general objective of this study is to conceptualize and define what are fiscal wars, evaluating that they can configure incentive and extrafiscality mechanisms, trying to demonstrate that the so-called “exemption damages”, resulting from these interstate disputes, mainly within the scope/area of the state of Paraná , are no more than mere annoyances, since they are compensated far beyond the tax exemption. In order to achieve such goal, it was chosen to collect data from judgments on the subject of: Federal Supreme Court, Superior Court of Justice, Court of Justice of the State of Paraná and Federal Regional Court of the Fourth Region, as well as some decisions of regulatory bodies such as CONFAZ, in addition to specific bibliographical research on the topics discussed. Other databases such as IBGE and IPARDES were consulted for the collection of specific data. The current state of the art leads to the conclusion that tax wars are not unconstitutional, given the constitutional competence of States to legislate on ICMS. The results found demonstrate the advantages of fiscal wars as a mechanism for extrafiscality, competition and tax incentives.


KEYWORDS: Fiscal War. Tax Incentives. ICMS. Regulation of Goods.


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How to Cite

KLAMAS, G. M., e SILVA, M. A. S., & SAVEDRA, T. A. (2022). Fiscal Wars Within the State of Paraná in View of the "ICMS" Exemption. Revista De Direito Da FAE, 6(2), 189–219. Retrieved from